Hope you are all rested from your weekend and are ready to knock this week out of the park!
This week I wanted to speak to you about recalls and whom they really affect. In today’s world you constantly hear about recalls and how they are affecting the “dependability “ of a Manufacturer. The media often exploits the Automotive Industry in general with negative input, that is the Manufacturer but what about the Dealership themselves? What happens to them? What the media does not mention is how many people are employed in the automotive market direct or indirect. These are stable, well paying jobs for Nova Scotians. In 2015 there was 120 new vehicle stores opened and the average weekly employment in dealerships was 4650. These employees are the people living in our neighborhoods. They attend our sporting events and contribute with prizes & donations. They support our local restaurants and stores and their children go to school with your children.
Dealers do not want to have “recalls”. They know that recalls reflect negatively on how a customer feels about their vehicle and they know this could mean losing a customer due to lack of dependability. The Dealership is often kept in the dark and only knows what the Manufacturer tells them. Recalls can be a good thing as it means that a problem has occurred and the Manufacturer will pay to fix it.
Always keep in mind when purchasing your next vehicle that salespeople are human and have a job to do. They do not want to lose your business for they know once you lose a customer it is very hard to get back. After working in this industry for 30 years I have met some wonderful people and I have been paid equal to my male counterparts. Has their been some issues regarding me being a female? Of course but that happens in every industry! I can honestly say that I have always been treated with respect and am very happy in my career choice. My advice to you is: If you are happy with your job, make sure you do it well, be dependable and you will earn their respect.
As always if you have any questions please reach out! I would love to answer your questions.
Have a great week!